can you please tell me which catergory these belong in chemical or physical property?

1. arrangement of particles have changed
2. absorb or release. energy(endothermic/exothermic reactions)
3. change in appearance only.
4. cant be undone.
5. size and shape may change

To determine whether these properties belong to the category of chemical or physical properties, we need to understand the difference between the two.

Chemical properties are characteristics of a substance that describe its ability to undergo a chemical reaction or change its chemical composition. These properties involve the transformation of the substance into a different substance with new properties.

Physical properties, on the other hand, describe the characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing its chemical composition. These properties include attributes such as color, density, melting point, boiling point, etc.

Now, let's analyze each property:

1. Arrangement of particles have changed: This property belongs to the category of physical property since it represents a change in the arrangement of particles without any alteration in the chemical composition of the substance.

2. Absorb or release energy (endothermic/ exothermic reactions): This property belongs to the category of chemical property. Endothermic/exothermic reactions involve the absorption or release of energy, indicating a chemical change is occurring.

3. Change in appearance only: This property generally indicates a physical property since changes in appearance, such as color, texture, or state (solid, liquid, gas), can occur without altering the chemical composition of the substance.

4. Can't be undone: This property belongs to the category of chemical property. If a change cannot be undone, it typically implies that a chemical reaction or change has taken place.

5. Size and shape may change: This property belongs to the category of physical property since changes in size and shape can occur without altering the chemical composition of the substance.

In conclusion:

- Chemical properties: Absorb or release energy (endothermic/exothermic reactions), can't be undone.
- Physical properties: Arrangement of particles have changed, change in appearance only, size and shape may change.