can you unscramble the following letters to name a six legged animal


I would have said grasshopper, but you're missing an "s"


To unscramble the letters in "pergorsaph" and find the name of a six-legged animal, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by rearranging the letters to form different words or combinations that might represent an animal name. For example, you can try grouping the letters in different ways, such as "per" and "gorsaph" or "p" and "ergorsaph."

2. Check if any of the combinations you came up with form a valid word. You can use an online anagram solver or dictionary website to quickly explore the possibilities.

In this case, after following these steps, you'll find that the correct word is "grasshopper." A grasshopper is a six-legged insect known for its ability to jump.