Which of the three rock families occurs most in new York state?

To determine which of the three rock families occurs most in New York state, we need to gather information on the rock formations in the region. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Conduct Geological Research: Look for reports, studies, or geological surveys focused on New York state. These sources often provide information about the types and abundance of rocks in the area. Start by searching in online databases, university libraries, or the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's website.

2. Refer to Geological Maps: Geological maps provide valuable information about the distribution of different rock types in an area. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) produces detailed geologic maps that can be accessed online. Look for a geological map specific to New York state, which will highlight the rock formations and their relative abundance.

3. Consult Professional Geologists: Reach out to professional geologists specializing in the region, such as those working in academia, geological surveys, or environmental consulting firms. They may have insights into the dominant rock families in the area and can provide valuable expertise.

By following these steps and utilizing various resources, you can determine which of the three rock families occurs most frequently in New York state.