Read the sentence. Rewrite each sentence adding the comma needed after the introductory word, phrase, or clause.

Besides I don't like your idea for the project.
Besides, I don't like your idea for the project.

Throughout the class I kept sneezing
Throughout the class, I kept sneezing.

Since the book is due tomorrow I have renewed it.
Since the book is due tomorrow, I have renewed it.

Before he gave up William tried everything he could.
Before he gave up, William tried everything he could.

Although Jake is a good player he is arrogant.
Although Jake is a good player, he is arrogant.

James did you complete your assignment?
James, did you complete your assignment?

Beneath the sea you can see many interesting fish.
Beneath the sea, you can see many interesting fish

Toward the east you will see a spectacular sunrise.

Toward the east, you will see a spectacular sunrise

Although she is walking slowly Monica is headed home
Although she is walking slowly, Monica is headed home

So that all goes well please register this week
SO that all goes well, please register this week


Thank you

You're welcome.
