There are 18 green blocks in a bag THere are 3 white blocks for every 2 green blocks Which proportion can be used to find w, the total number of white blocks in the bag?

How do I solve

w = (3/2)g

but g = 18
w = (3/2)(18)
(2/3) w = 18
18/w = 2/3 which is B

To find the proportion that can be used to find the total number of white blocks (w) in the bag, we need to set up the ratio between the number of green blocks and white blocks.

We are given that there are 18 green blocks in the bag and for every 2 green blocks, there are 3 white blocks. Therefore, the ratio can be expressed as:

green blocks : white blocks = 18 : w

Next, we need to determine the correct proportion from the given options. Let's evaluate each option:

A. 18/w = 3/2
This proportion does not accurately represent the given information because the number of green blocks is being related to the number of white blocks, instead of the other way around. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

B. 18/w = 2/3
This proportion correctly represents the given information, with the 18 green blocks related to the unknown number of white blocks (w). Therefore, option B is the correct proportion.

C. 3/18 = 2/w
This proportion does not accurately represent the given information because it relates the number of white blocks to the number of green blocks. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

D. 2/3 = w/18
This proportion does not accurately represent the given information because it relates the unknown number of white blocks (w) to the number of green blocks. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

In conclusion, the correct proportion that can be used to find the total number of white blocks in the bag (w) is:
18/w = 2/3