A car moving with a speed of 85 km/h is brought to rest in a didtance of 60 m. How much time did the car take to stop?

Average speed x time = stopping distance

The average speed during stopping is half the starting speed, or 42.5 km/h
85 km/h = 23.6 m/s
42.5 km/h = 11.8 m/s
Time = 60m/11.8m/s = 5.1 seconds

To find the time it took for the car to stop, we can use the equation of motion:

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

v = final velocity (0 m/s, since the car comes to rest)
u = initial velocity (85 km/h or 85 * (1000/3600) m/s)
s = distance traveled (60 m)
a = acceleration

Solving for time (t):

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

Substituting the given values:

0 = (85 * (1000/3600))^2 + 2 * a * 60

To find the acceleration (a), we can rearrange the equation:

a = (0 - (85 * (1000/3600))^2) / (2 * 60)

Now we can substitute the value of acceleration back into the equation to solve for time:

0 = (85 * (1000/3600))^2 + 2 * ((0 - (85 * (1000/3600))^2) / (2 * 60)) * t

Simplifying the equation:

0 = (85 * (1000/3600))^2 - ((85 * (1000/3600))^2) / 30 * t

Now we can solve for t:

0 = ((85 * (1000/3600))^2) * (1 - (1/30) * t)

Divide both sides by ((85 * (1000/3600))^2):

0 = 1 - (1/30) * t

Rearrange the equation:

(1/30) * t = 1

Multiply both sides by 30:

t = 30

Therefore, the car took 30 seconds to stop.