Arrange the following oxides in order of increasing acidity: P2O5, As2O5, N2O5, SnO2, SeO3, and BaO. (Use the appropriate <, =, or > symbol to

separate substances in the list.)

I have no idea how to do this! please help!

P2O5 is the anhydride of H3PO4.

As2O5 is the anhydride of H3AsO4.
N2O5 is the anhydride of HNO3.
SnO2 is the anhydride of Sn(OH)4
BaO is the anhydride of Ba(OH)2
You know which are strong acids or bases; therefore, those go at the top (for weakest acid) to bottom (for strongest acid. Then look up the Ka or Kb values for the others to arrange them.

i got BaO < SnO_2 < N_2O_5 < P_2O_5 < As_2O_5 < SeO_3 but its wrong

To determine the order of increasing acidity for the given oxides, we need to consider the ability of the oxide to donate protons (H+) when dissolved in water.

Generally, acidic oxides are formed by nonmetals, and their acidic character increases from left to right across a period.

Let's analyze the given oxides:

1. P2O5 (Phosphorus pentoxide): It is a compound formed from phosphorus and oxygen. Phosphorus is a nonmetal, so this oxide can be considered acidic.

2. As2O5 (Arsenic pentoxide): Arsenic is also a nonmetal, so this oxide is acidic.

3. N2O5 (Dinitrogen pentoxide): Nitrogen is a nonmetal, making this oxide acidic as well.

4. SnO2 (Tin dioxide): Tin is a metal, and its oxide is typically amphoteric, meaning it can exhibit both acidic and basic properties. However, it is less acidic compared to the oxides of nonmetals.

5. SeO3 (Selenium trioxide): Selenium is a nonmetal, indicating that this oxide is acidic.

6. BaO (Barium oxide): Barium is an alkaline earth metal, and its oxide is basic, not acidic.

Arranging the oxides in order of increasing acidity, we have:

BaO < SnO2 < P2O5 = As2O5 = N2O5 < SeO3

To determine the order of increasing acidity of the given oxides, we can consider the general trends in the periodic table. Acidity generally increases with increasing electronegativity and decreasing atomic radius of the central atom.

Let's analyze the central elements in the given oxides:

P2O5: Phosphorus (P)
As2O5: Arsenic (As)
N2O5: Nitrogen (N)
SnO2: Tin (Sn)
SeO3: Selenium (Se)
BaO: Barium (Ba)

Among these elements, oxygen (O) is the most electronegative. Therefore, we can ignore it and focus on the central elements.

Now, let's analyze the electronegativities and atomic radii of these elements. The electronegativity trend is generally as follows: Ba < Sn < P < As < Se < N. The atomic radius trend is generally as follows: Ba > Sn > As > P > N > Se.

Using this information, we can arrange the oxides in order of increasing acidity:

BaO < SnO2 < As2O5 < P2O5 < SeO3 < N2O5

Therefore, the correct order of increasing acidity of the given oxides is BaO < SnO2 < As2O5 < P2O5 < SeO3 < N2O5.