Develop a presentation on two ways technology has built on scientific knowledge?

To develop a presentation on how technology has built on scientific knowledge, follow these steps:

1. Research: Begin by gathering information on various technological advancements that have been influenced by scientific knowledge. Explore areas such as medicine, communication, transportation, energy, and space exploration. Look for specific examples where technology uses scientific principles to improve or innovate.

2. Choose Two Examples: Select two examples that demonstrate how technology has built upon scientific knowledge. Be sure to choose examples that highlight different areas or industries to showcase the breadth of impact.

Example 1: Medicine - Genetic Engineering:
Explain how the advancement of genetic engineering has built upon scientific knowledge. Describe how scientific breakthroughs in mapping the human genome have paved the way for technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing tool. Discuss how this technology has the potential to treat genetic disorders, create genetically modified organisms, and develop personalized medicine.

Example 2: Communication - Internet:
Discuss how the invention of the internet and its subsequent evolution have built upon scientific knowledge. Explain the scientific principles behind networking, data transmission, and computer protocols. Highlight how the internet has revolutionized communication, connecting people globally and enabling instant access to information. Mention how the internet has fostered advancements in fields like e-commerce, social media, and telecommunication.

3. Presentation Structure:
a. Introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction that highlights the importance of technology building upon scientific knowledge. State the purpose of the presentation and provide an overview of the two examples to be discussed.

b. Example 1: Medicine (Genetic Engineering):
- Provide a brief explanation of genetic engineering.
- Discuss the scientific knowledge behind genetic mapping and sequencing.
- Explain the concept and applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool.
- Showcase real-life examples of how genetic engineering has advanced medical research and treatments.

c. Example 2: Communication (Internet):
- Explain the scientific principles related to networking and data transmission.
- Discuss the historical development of the internet.
- Highlight key features and innovations that have emerged from the internet.
- Illustrate the impact of the internet on various industries and everyday life.

d. Conclusion:
- Recap the key points discussed.
- Emphasize the significant impact of technology building upon scientific knowledge.
- Conclude with future possibilities and potential advancements resulting from this synergy.

4. Visual Aid: Create a visually appealing presentation using tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides. Include relevant images, diagrams, and charts to enhance understanding and engagement.

5. Practice and Delivery: Rehearse the presentation to ensure a smooth flow and confident delivery. Time yourself to ensure the presentation falls within the allotted time frame. Consider practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself to identify areas for improvement.

By following these steps, you will be able to develop a comprehensive presentation that highlights how technology builds on scientific knowledge.