what is the difference btwn 5^3 and (5)^3?

When ever they have a question in which they have a a number squared and then they have another question right after it asking the difference between the same question in parenthesis..is it a trick question? is the answer the same or do the parenthesis make a difference? if the parenthesis make a difference can you please tell me how? thank you so much in advance..:)

Those two values will have the same value if put in the way you wrote it.

If the equation was written like:
(5+5)^3 it would yield a different amount rather than 5+5^3.
So,it all depends on how the equation is written.

ok thank you!!

The difference between 5^3 and (5)^3 is the use of parentheses in the second expression. Parentheses in math indicate that the numbers or operations inside them should be simplified or performed first. In this case, the parentheses do not change the value of the expression.

To understand why, let's look at how exponentiation works. When a number is raised to a power, like 5^3, it means that you need to multiply the base number (5 in this case) by itself for the number of times indicated by the exponent (3 in this case).

So, 5^3 means 5*5*5, which equals 125.

The second expression, (5)^3, has the same base number 5 raised to the power of 3, but the use of parentheses does not affect the operation. Since squaring a number is the same as raising it to the power of 2, (5)^3 is equivalent to 5^3.

Therefore, both 5^3 and (5)^3 are equal to 125.

In summary, the parentheses in this case do not make a difference and both expressions yield the same result. However, it's important to note that parentheses can have different effects in other mathematical expressions, where they can alter the order of operations or group numbers and operations together.