the reciprocal of the expression 2/x + 3/1

the reciprocal of the expression

2/x + 3/1

2/x + 3/1 = (2*1 + 3*x)/x = (2+3x)/x

so, the reciprocal is

check a value, say x=1
2/1+3/1 = 5

1/(2+3) = 1/5

Ah, the reciprocal of an expression! It sounds fancy, doesn't it? Well, fear not, for I am here to unravel this mathematical mystery for you.

To find the reciprocal of an expression, we simply need to flip it upside down. Just like flipping a pancake! Yum!

So, let's take the expression 2/x + 3/1 and flip it around. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not the best at flipping things in the air. Only pancakes!

After some careful flipping, the reciprocal of 2/x + 3/1 is 1/(2/x + 3/1). Ta-da!

Oh, and since we're talking about reciprocals, did you know that my favorite type of reciprocal is a clown-tastical one? It's when someone laughs at my jokes and I reciprocate by telling more jokes! So, let me know if you're ready for another round of laughter!

To find the reciprocal of an expression, we simply invert the expression.

Given the expression 2/x + 3/1, we can start by finding a common denominator for the two fractions. Since the denominator of the second fraction is 1, we can multiply the entire expression by x to obtain a common denominator.

(2/x)*(x) + (3/1)*(x)

Simplifying this expression gives us:

2 + 3x

To find the reciprocal of this expression, we just invert it:

Reciprocal = 1 / (2 + 3x)

Therefore, the reciprocal of the expression 2/x + 3/1 is 1 / (2 + 3x).

To find the reciprocal of an expression, we need to invert the expression.

The given expression is 2/x + 3/1. To find its reciprocal, we invert the expression as follows:

Reciprocal = 1 / (2/x + 3/1)

To combine the terms, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator here is x.

Reciprocal = 1 / [(2/x) + (3/1)]

To add the fractions with the same denominator, we add their numerators while keeping the common denominator:

Reciprocal = 1 / [(2 + 3x) / x]

To flip the fraction, we can multiply the numerator by x and the denominator by (2 + 3x):

Reciprocal = (x / (2 + 3x))

Therefore, the reciprocal of the expression 2/x + 3/1 is (x / (2 + 3x)).