Los Angeles is about 385 miles from San Francisco. How far apart would the cities be on a map with a scale of 1 in. = 25 mi? If necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.

what the hell this question from 2012

The answer would be A.


@A Friend

The funny part is the test isnt even 4 questions

Here is what everyone else is talking about:

Los Angeles is about 385 miles from San Francisco. How far apart would the cities be on a map with a scale of 1 in.= 20 mi? If necessary round to the nearest hundredth.
A 18.33
B 17.75
C 21.75
D 19.25

The answer is D. That is the answer because, you are trying to solve 20*x=385. 20*19.25=385. Therefore, x=19.25. So, D is the answer.

oops sorry you aren't a vaporizer.. I meant to put life saver🤪

Whats the answer cause I need serious help

He is saying the answers for that problem are those and he thinks it is d

Lets figure it out...

idk just give it your best shot dun dun dun fire awayyy! Get it from the song?

Thx Reed u r a life saber

@chloe, is half right I got a 11/2so I only got 11 correct