What are the four powers denied to congress?


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The four powers that are denied to Congress are:

1. The Power to Suspend the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus: Habeas Corpus is a legal principle that protects individuals from being unlawfully detained. Congress cannot suspend this privilege, except in cases of rebellion or invasion where public safety may require it.

2. The Power to Pass Bills of Attainder: A bill of attainder is a legislative act that declares a person or a group of people guilty of a crime without a trial. Congress is prohibited from passing any such bills.

3. The Power to Pass Ex Post Facto Laws: An ex post facto law retroactively changes the legal consequences or definition of an action, making it a crime that was not considered as such when it was committed. Congress cannot pass any laws that can inflict punishment retrospectively.

4. The Power to Grant Titles of Nobility: The Constitution explicitly denies Congress the power to grant titles of nobility, such as king, queen, duke, or lord. This is in order to prevent the establishment of a hereditary aristocracy.

To find the answer to this question, you can refer to the United States Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 9. It outlines the limitations on Congress's powers, including these four specific denials. You can also consult reliable sources such as official government websites, legal databases, or constitutional law textbooks for further information.