A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building 17.6 m high. The ball strikes the ground at a point 67.7 m from the base of the building. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2

1. Find the time the ball is in motion.
Answer in units of s.

2. Find the initial velocity of the ball. Answer in units of m/s.

3. Find the x component of it's velocity just before it strikes the ground. Answer in units of m/s.

4. Find the y component of it's velocity just before it strikes the ground. Answer in units of m/s.

1. Well, the time the ball is in motion can be found using the kinematic equation for vertical motion. We have the height (17.6 m) and the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2), so we can use the equation y = 1/2 * a * t^2 + v0 * t + y0, where y is the final height, a is the acceleration, t is the time, v0 is the initial velocity, and y0 is the initial height. Substituting in the values, we get 0 = 1/2 * (-9.8) * t^2 + 0 * t + 17.6. Solving for t, we find t = 1.49 s.

2. Now let's find the initial velocity of the ball. We can use the equation v = d/t, where v is the velocity, d is the distance traveled, and t is the time. In this case, the distance traveled is the horizontal distance from the base of the building to the point where the ball strikes the ground (67.7 m). Substituting in the values, we get v = 67.7 / 1.49 = 45.36 m/s.

3. The x component of the velocity remains constant, as there are no horizontal forces acting on the ball. Therefore, the x component of the velocity just before it strikes the ground is the same as the initial velocity, which is 45.36 m/s.

4. The y component of the velocity can be found using the equation v = u + at, where u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time. In this case, the initial velocity is zero, as the ball is thrown horizontally. So, substituting in the values, we get v = 0 + (-9.8) * 1.49 = -14.65 m/s. However, since we are interested in the magnitude of the velocity, we can take the absolute value and find that the y component of the velocity just before it strikes the ground is approximately 14.65 m/s.

So, to summarize:
1. The time the ball is in motion is approximately 1.49 s.
2. The initial velocity of the ball is approximately 45.36 m/s.
3. The x component of the velocity just before it strikes the ground is approximately 45.36 m/s.
4. The y component of the velocity just before it strikes the ground is approximately 14.65 m/s.

To solve these questions, we can use the equations of motion for projectile motion.

1. Find the time the ball is in motion.
Since the ball is thrown horizontally, its initial vertical velocity is 0 m/s. We can use the equation for vertical displacement:
y = vit + (1/2)at^2

Plugging in the given values, we have:
-17.6 m = 0 * t + (1/2)(-9.8 m/s^2)t^2

Simplifying the equation:
-17.6 m = -4.9 m/s^2 t^2

Rearranging the equation:
4.9 m/s^2 t^2 = 17.6 m

Solving for t:
t^2 = 17.6 m / 4.9 m/s^2
t^2 = 3.59 s^2

Taking the square root of both sides:
t = √(3.59 s^2)
t ≈ 1.89 s

Therefore, the time the ball is in motion is approximately 1.89 seconds.

2. Find the initial velocity of the ball.
We can use the equation for horizontal displacement:
x = vxt

Plugging in the given values, we have:
67.7 m = vx * 1.89 s

Solving for vx:
vx = 67.7 m / 1.89 s
vx ≈ 35.8 m/s

Therefore, the initial velocity of the ball is approximately 35.8 m/s.

3. Find the x component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground.
Since the ball is thrown horizontally, its horizontal velocity (vx) remains constant. Therefore, the x component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground is the same as its initial velocity:
vx ≈ 35.8 m/s

4. Find the y component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground.
To find the y component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground, we can use the equation:
v = vi + at

Since the ball is thrown horizontally, the acceleration in the vertical direction is due to gravity, which is -9.8 m/s^2 (negative because it acts downward). The initial vertical velocity (vi) is 0 m/s. Let's assume the final vertical velocity is vy.

Plugging in the values, we have:
vy = 0 m/s + (-9.8 m/s^2) * 1.89 s
vy ≈ -18.52 m/s

Therefore, the y component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground is approximately -18.52 m/s.

To solve these problems, we'll need to use the equations of motion and the kinematic equations. These equations relate the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object over time. Let's solve each part of the problem step by step.

1. Find the time the ball is in motion:
In this case, since the ball is thrown horizontally, it has no initial vertical velocity. The only acceleration acting on the ball is due to gravity, which is always directed downward. Therefore, the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground can be found using the equation:

y = y0 + v0y * t + (1/2) * g * t^2

where y is the final vertical position (0 since it hits the ground), y0 is the initial vertical position (17.6 m), v0y is the initial vertical velocity (0 m/s), g is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time.

Plugging in the given values:

0 = 17.6 + 0 * t + (1/2) * (-9.8) * t^2

Rearranging the equation gives us a quadratic equation:

(1/2) * (-9.8) * t^2 = -17.6

Multiplying both sides by 2 gives:

-9.8 * t^2 = -35.2

Dividing both sides by -9.8:

t^2 = 3.5918

Taking the square root of both sides, we find:

t ≈ 1.8937 seconds (ignoring the negative value because time cannot be negative)

Therefore, the time the ball is in motion is approximately 1.8937 seconds.

2. Find the initial velocity of the ball:
Since the ball is thrown horizontally, its initial vertical velocity is 0 m/s. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout its flight. The horizontal distance traveled by the ball is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time of flight:

x = v0x * t

where x is the horizontal distance traveled (67.7 m), v0x is the initial horizontal velocity (which we need to find), and t is the time (1.8937 seconds).

Rearranging the equation gives:

v0x = x / t

Plugging in the given values:

v0x = 67.7 m / 1.8937 s

v0x ≈ 35.754 m/s

Therefore, the initial velocity of the ball is approximately 35.754 m/s.

3. Find the x component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground:
As mentioned earlier, the horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion. Therefore, the x-component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground is the same as its initial horizontal velocity, which we found to be approximately 35.754 m/s.

Therefore, the x-component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground is approximately 35.754 m/s.

4. Find the y component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground:
To find the y component of the velocity just before the ball strikes the ground, we can use the equation:

v = v0 + gt

where v is the final vertical velocity, v0 is the initial vertical velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time of flight.

Since we know the time of flight is approximately 1.8937 seconds and the initial vertical velocity is 0 m/s, we can calculate the final vertical velocity using the equation:

v = 0 + (-9.8) * 1.8937

v ≈ -18.458 m/s

Therefore, the y-component of its velocity just before it strikes the ground is approximately -18.458 m/s.