Which sentence is correctly punctuated?

A) A well-rounded medical transcription editor is very detail oriented, and s/he usually loves to learn new words.
B) A well-rounded medical transcription editor is very detail oriented and s/he usually loves to learn new words.
C) A well-rounded medical transcription editor, is very detail oriented, and s/he usually loves to learn new words.

My answer is B

Nope. Independent clauses joined by "and" are separated by a comma.

So C the comma after "and"?

Never mind I figured it out oops:/ Thanks:)

No. There should not be a comma between the subject and verb.

Your answer is correct! Sentence B is correctly punctuated. Let me explain why.

In this sentence, we have two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and." When joining independent clauses with a conjunction, you have two options for punctuation: using a comma before the conjunction or leaving it out.

In Sentence A, a comma is used before the conjunction "and," which is called a comma splice. This is not the correct punctuation choice.

In Sentence B, no comma is used before the conjunction "and," which is the correct choice when two independent clauses are being joined.

In Sentence C, there are unnecessary commas placed around the verb phrase "is very detail oriented." The additional comma before the conjunction is also not needed.

So, the correct punctuated sentence is B) "A well-rounded medical transcription editor is very detail oriented and s/he usually loves to learn new words."