it is less the 64 it has 5 ones. what is the secret number not sure but is it 50?

Why isn't it 5?

Sue,the data chart has from 50 to 79 that's why I thought it was 50

To determine the secret number, we need to use the information provided: it is less than 64 and has 5 ones. Let's analyze the information step by step.

If the number has 5 ones, it means it contains the digit "1" five times. To find the number of possible combinations, we can iterate through the possible positions where the ones can be placed.

We notice that there is only one way to arrange five ones, and that is by placing them together as "11111".

Now, we have to consider the second condition: the secret number is less than 64. So we need to find a number less than 64 that satisfies the arrangement of five ones.

The highest possible value that can be formed using five ones is 11111, which is 31 in decimal notation. However, this number is not less than 64.

Therefore, based on the given conditions, there is no secret number that satisfies both requirements. Hence, we cannot determine the secret number based on the information provided.