Give the value of the 1st ionization energy of beryllium (Be). Express your answer in Joules (J/atom).

Neutral Be or Be+++?

For neutral Be, you will have to look it up. It is too difficult to calculate and the Rydberg equation will not work.


The answer of mb is correct for the first ionization potential of neutral Be

14.934e-19 J/atom

To find the value of the 1st ionization energy of beryllium (Be) in Joules (J/atom), we need to refer to a reliable source or database that provides the necessary information. One such source is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database.

Here's how you can use the NIST database to find the desired value:

1. Open your preferred web browser and go to the NIST Chemistry WebBook website (
2. On the NIST Chemistry WebBook website, click on the "Atomic Spectra Database" option.
3. In the search bar, type "beryllium" and press "Enter" or click on the search icon.
4. From the search results, click on the link that represents the ionization energy you are interested in, which is the 1st ionization energy in this case.
5. The page will display various ionization energies for beryllium. Locate the value representing the 1st ionization energy.

Please note that the ionization energy values may be given in electron volts (eV) rather than Joules (J). To convert from electron volts to Joules, you can use the conversion factor: 1 eV = 1.6022 × 10^-19 J.

By following these steps and referring to the NIST database, you will be able to find the accurate value of the 1st ionization energy of beryllium (Be) expressed in Joules (J/atom).