When saving a document or drawing, you determine the destination folder in which the file will be save by

A. Making a selection in the save: box.

B.Choosing a folder from the destination drop-down menu.

C.Typing the folder name in the filename: box.

D.Selecting the folder from the folder listed of the my computer window

The correct answer is B. Choosing a folder from the destination drop-down menu.

The correct answer is B. Choosing a folder from the destination drop-down menu.

To save a document or drawing in a specific folder, you can follow these steps:

1. After creating or editing the document, click on the "Save" or "Save As" option in the program's menu or toolbar. This will open the saving options.

2. When the saving options appear, you will usually see a "Save In" or "Save To" field, where you can determine the destination folder for the file.

3. Look for a drop-down menu or a browse button next to the "Save In" or "Save To" field. Click on it to open a list of available folders or a file explorer window.

4. In the drop-down menu or file explorer window, navigate to the desired destination folder by clicking on the folder icons or directory paths.

5. Once you have located the folder you want, select it by either clicking on it or double-clicking on it, depending on the software you are using.

6. After selecting the destination folder, the file explorer window will close, and you will see the chosen folder path in the "Save In" or "Save To" field.

7. Finally, click on the "Save" or "Save As" button to save the document or drawing in the selected folder.

This process will allow you to determine the destination folder in which the file will be saved by choosing a folder from the destination drop-down menu.