Find the ratio of bananas to oranges. WRite the ratio as a fraction in simplest form. Then explain its meaning.

1/3? 1 banana to 3 oranges?

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2/9? 2 engines to 9 box cars?

Am I explaining what their meanings are correctly?



To find the ratio of bananas to oranges and write it as a fraction in simplest form, you need to determine the number of bananas and the number of oranges. Let's assume you have 1 banana and 3 oranges.

The ratio of bananas to oranges is written as 1:3, indicating that for every 1 banana, there are 3 oranges. To express this ratio as a fraction, you take the number of bananas (1) and put it as the numerator, and the number of oranges (3) as the denominator. Therefore, the ratio 1:3 can be expressed as the fraction 1/3.

The meaning of this ratio is that for every 1 banana you have, you have 3 oranges. It establishes a relationship or comparison between the two quantities. In this case, it suggests that there are three times as many oranges as there are bananas.