each day, Jason walks to his office at a constant rate. one third of the way he passes a bank and three-fourths of the way to work he passes a store. at the bank his watch reads 6:52 am and at the store it reads 7:02 am. at what time was jason halfway to his offic?

3/4 - 1/3 = 5/12

7:02 - 6:52 = 10 min

1/2 - 5/12 = 1/12
1/12 is 1/5 of the way from bank to store
so, that's 2 minutes.

At 6:54 he's halfway to work.

To find out what time Jason was halfway to his office, we need to determine the time it takes for him to travel between the bank and the store.

Let's break down the information we have:

- Jason passed the bank one-third of the way to his office.
- Jason passed the store three-fourths of the way to his office.
- The time at the bank was 6:52 am.
- The time at the store was 7:02 am.

First, let's find out the time it took Jason to travel from the bank to the store. The time difference between the bank and the store is 7:02 am - 6:52 am = 10 minutes.

Since Jason passed the store three-fourths of the way to his office, it means the remaining one-fourth of the distance took 10 minutes. Therefore, the total time Jason takes to travel from the bank to the store is 10 minutes * 4 = 40 minutes.

Now, let's find out the total time it takes for Jason to travel from the bank to his office. We know that it took him 40 minutes to travel from the bank to the store. Since the bank is one-third of the way, it means that the distance from the bank to his office is three times the distance from the bank to the store.

So, the total time it takes from the bank to his office is 40 minutes * 3 = 120 minutes.

To find out at what time Jason was halfway to his office, we need to divide the total time it takes from the bank to his office by 2. So, 120 minutes / 2 = 60 minutes.

Now, let's add 60 minutes to the time at the bank (6:52 am) to find the time when Jason was halfway to his office.

6:52 am + 1 hour (60 minutes) = 7:52 am

Therefore, Jason was halfway to his office at 7:52 am.