if paul pays the newspaper company 70% of what he collects,how much he keep for himself in a mounth when he collected $450.00? 1] $315.00 2] $145.00 3] $135.00 4] $13.50 5] not enough information is given.

if he paid 70%, he kept 30%

30% of 450 = 0.30*450 = 135.00

thank you

A map has the scale of 1inch = 80 miles what is the actual distance in miles between two towns that are 41/2 inches apart on the map

To calculate how much Paul keeps for himself, you need to multiply the amount Paul collected by the percentage he retains (30% or 0.3).

First, find 30% of $450.00:
$450.00 * 0.3 = $135.00

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3] $135.00, as this is the amount Paul keeps for himself after paying the newspaper company 70% of what he collected.