Tens and hundred digits are equAland ones and thousands have a sum equal to one of the middle digits the entire digit sum is 21 what year was it made in



To find the year in which this particular digit pattern occurs, we can use the given criteria. Let's break down the information provided:

1. The tens digit and the hundreds digit are equal.
2. The ones digit and the thousands digit have a sum equal to one of the middle digits.
3. The sum of all the digits is 21.

Let's assign variables to the digits as follows:
- Let x represent the common value for the tens and hundreds digit.
- Let y represent the value of the ones digit.
- Let z represent the value of the thousands digit.
- Let m represent the value of the middle digit.

According to the first criterion, we have x = x. This doesn't provide us with any additional information. We can ignore this for now.

According to the second criterion, we have y + z = m. This indicates that the ones and thousands digits sum to a middle digit.

Finally, the third criterion states that x + x + y + z = 21. Simplifying this equation, we have:
2x + y + z = 21.

We can now solve this system of equations to find the possible values of x, y, z, and m.

Let's consider some values that can satisfy the conditions:
- x = 7, y = 2, z = 9, m = 11
- x = 6, y = 3, z = 9, m = 12

In both cases, the digit sum is 21 and the other conditions are met. However, these values do not correspond to a valid year.

As it stands, the information provided does not uniquely determine a specific year that satisfies all the given criteria.