Word bank agenda amiable befuddle blight boisterous clarity compliant conserve debut gory gross induce leeway limber maze oracle partisan reimburse vacate vagabond

Choose a word from the word bank to find a word that is most nearly or the same to the words in ()

offended by that (flagrant) insult

(Persuade) them to speak softly

an (eyesore) hidden behind thick shrubs blight?

When he saw the (gruesome) spectacle

All are right. :-)

To find a word from the word bank that is most nearly or the same as the words in parentheses, we can look at the definitions of the words and find the one that matches the meaning.

1. offended by that (flagrant) insult - The word that is most nearly or the same as "flagrant" is "gross." The word "gross" means offensive or repulsive.

2. (Persuade) them to speak softly - The word that is most nearly or the same as "persuade" is "induce." The word "induce" means to convince or influence someone to do something.

3. an (eyesore) hidden behind thick shrubs - The word that is most nearly or the same as "eyesore" is "blight." The word "blight" refers to something that spoils or damages the appearance of a place.

4. When he saw the (gruesome) spectacle - The word that is most nearly or the same as "gruesome" is "gory." The word "gory" refers to something that is characterized by bloodshed and violence.