Word bank agenda amiable befuddle blight boisterous clarity compliant conserve debut gory gross induce leeway limber maze oracle partisan reimburse vacate vagabond

You certainly have a right to cheer for your team but try not to become to ___ and unruly

We cannot allow the lives of millions of people to be ____ by poverty

Because you are working with older and more experienced people you should be _____ with heir requests and advice

Blight is the only correct word.

None of us could possible overlook the ___ error the waiter made in adding up our check


I have befuddle,partisan,debut,gross,and induce left

Which one means large or obvious?

Actually, the correct answer in this case should be "amiable." The word "amiable" means friendly and pleasant, which is appropriate when working with older and more experienced people. To find the answer, you would need to understand the meanings of the given options and choose the one that best fits the sentence. In this case, "amiable" is the most appropriate word because it describes a positive and respectful attitude towards others.