how many multiples of 11 are there between 200 and 500

27. :D


To find the number of multiples of 11 between 200 and 500, we need to determine the count of integers in that range that are divisible by 11.

One way to approach this is to divide the smallest number in the range (200) by 11 and round it up to the nearest whole number to determine the smallest multiple. Similarly, divide the largest number in the range (500) by 11 and round it down to find the largest multiple. Then subtract these two values and add 1 to get the total count of multiples of 11 within the given range.

Let's calculate this step by step:
- Smallest multiple: ceil(200 ÷ 11) = ceil(18.18) = 19
- Largest multiple: floor(500 ÷ 11) = floor(45.45) = 45
- Count of multiples: 45 - 19 + 1 = 27

Therefore, there are 27 multiples of 11 between 200 and 500.