What were the goals of (a) the Knights of Labor? (b) the AFL?

Answer (a) - ??????

Answer (b) - Unlike the Knights of Labor, the AFL supported the use of strikes to achieve its goals. The AFL collected money from its member unions. Some of it went into a strike fund. When AFL members went on strike, they were paid from the fund so that they could still feed their families.

Am I correct for answer (b) and in my textbook it doesn't say any goals of the knights of labor. In my textbook it says "Despite the failure of the Knights of Labor, the labor movement continued to grow"

Please help for answer (a)!!!

Knights of Labor: Read the introductory paragraph and the section under Ideology.


Your answer for B is correct.


The Knights primary demand was for an eight hour day; they also called for legislation to end child and convict labor, as well as a graduated income tax. They were eager supporters of cooperatives.




You've got it right for answer (b) about the AFL. Now, let me help you with answer (a) regarding the goals of the Knights of Labor.

The Knights of Labor was one of the largest and most influential labor organizations in the late 19th century. Their goals revolved around improving working conditions and advocating for the rights of workers. Here are some key goals of the Knights of Labor:

1. Eight-hour workday: The Knights of Labor fought for a shorter workday to provide workers with more leisure time and to improve their overall well-being.

2. Fair wages: Another goal of the Knights of Labor was to secure fair wages for workers. They believed in receiving a fair and just compensation for their labor.

3. Workplace safety: The Knights of Labor aimed to improve workplace safety standards to protect workers from hazardous working conditions and to prevent accidents.

4. End to child labor: The organization actively campaigned against child labor, seeking to end exploitation of children and provide them with education and better living conditions.

5. Equal pay for women: The Knights of Labor advocated for equal pay for women, recognizing their contribution to the workforce and fighting against gender discrimination.

6. Cooperative ownership: The Knights of Labor also believed in cooperative ownership and worker control over production and industry, challenging the capitalist model of private ownership.

It's important to note that the goals of the Knights of Labor varied over time, and the organization went through different phases in terms of its philosophy and objectives.

So, to summarize, the goals of the Knights of Labor included a shorter workday, fair wages, workplace safety, an end to child labor, equal pay for women, and cooperative ownership.