3. Which is a model of feeding relationships? (1 point)

protein building

food map
food web
sugar molecules


Which is a model of feeding relationships?

Protien building
Food map
Food web
Sugar molecules


food web

To determine which is a model of feeding relationships, we can look at the provided options and consider which one best represents the interconnectedness of organisms in an ecosystem.

1. Protein building: This option does not represent a model of feeding relationships. Protein building refers to the process by which organisms synthesize proteins, but it does not depict the interactions between different organisms in an ecosystem.

2. Food map: A food map is not a commonly recognized term or model related to feeding relationships. It may refer to a specific diagram or illustration depicting the distribution or availability of different types of food, but it does not convey the interrelationships between organisms in an ecosystem.

3. Food web: A food web is a widely used model of feeding relationships in an ecosystem. It represents the complex network of predator-prey interactions and energy flow between different organisms within a community. In a food web, various organisms are connected through arrows indicating the flow of energy from one organism to another. It depicts the multiple feeding relationships among different species and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of organisms in an ecosystem.

4. Sugar molecules: Sugar molecules, specifically, do not represent a model of feeding relationships. While they are important sources of energy for many organisms, they do not illustrate the interdependencies and interactions between different organisms within an ecosystem.

Therefore, the correct answer is: food web.