
What is your question?

What's the solution?

It seems like you have an equation with some variables (D and R) and some numbers. Let's break it down and try to solve it step by step.

First, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms.

D - R = 1550 + 42t - 15t + 1550 = 27t

Now, let's simplify the left side of the equation by combining the D and R terms:

D - R = 1550 + 42t - 15t

To combine the t terms on the right side of the equation, we add or subtract them:

42t - 15t = 27t

So, the simplified equation becomes:

D - R = 1550 + 27t

Now, we have a simplified equation that expresses the relationship between D, R, and t. However, we can't solve for D and R without more information. We would need another equation or some values to substitute in.

If you provide additional information or another equation, I can help you further with solving for D and R.