What does this sign mean "| |"

either absolute value or parallel...

Absolute value

It means the absolute value of a number

The sign "| |" consists of vertical bars enclosing a space in between. This sign can often be found in programming languages and is referred to as "pipe." However, the meaning of this sign can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

In programming, the pipe symbol is often used for various purposes. One common usage is to represent the bitwise OR operation. This operation takes two binary numbers and performs a logical OR on each corresponding bit. For example, if you have two numbers represented in binary: 1010 and 1100, the bitwise OR operation would produce 1110.

Another usage of the pipe symbol is in Unix-like operating systems and command-line interfaces. It is known as the pipe operator or pipeline. It allows the output of one command to serve as input to another command in a sequential manner. For example, the command "command1 | command2" means that the output of "command1" is passed as input to "command2."

However, without any specific context, it is difficult to determine the exact meaning of the sign "| |". It's important to consider the context in which it is used to fully understand its intended purpose.