Au^3+ + 3e^- ---> Au

Is this oxidation or reduction?

Which reactant has been oxidized?
Au3+ (aq)+ 3Na(s)--->3Na^+(aq)+Au(s)

2.Which reactant has been reduced

3.What is the reducing agent?

4.what is the oxidizing agent?

I am having a hard time understanding how to do these. If you could be so kind as to help me I would love it! Thanks heads up!!!

The first rxn is reduction. Au went from +3 to 0 so higher to lower number (became more -ve)

Na is oxidized. went form 0 to +3

Is the Na one the anwser to number 1 and (went from 0 to +3) number 3? Whats number 4? Thanks

What is your charge for Au? There has to be a positive and negative- check your equations- that answers then may not apply.

Positive and negative- in the sense things should cancel and charges should inc. and dec.

#4. Ths oxidizing agent is the substance reduced. The reducing agent is the substance oxidized.

Na is the reducing agent and it is oxidized.
Au^3+ is the oxidizing agent and it is reduced.

To determine whether a reaction is an oxidation or reduction, you need to know the oxidation states of the elements involved. Here's how you can approach each question:

1. Is this oxidation or reduction?
In the given reaction: Au^3+ + 3e^- ---> Au
- Au^3+ has an oxidation state of +3, and Au (on the right side) has an oxidation state of 0.
- Since Au^3+ gains 3 electrons to become Au, its oxidation state decreases from +3 to 0.
- Any decrease in the oxidation state indicates reduction. Therefore, this reaction is a reduction.

2. Which reactant has been oxidized in the equation: Au^3+ (aq) + 3Na(s) ---> 3Na^+(aq) + Au(s)?
- Au^3+ has an oxidation state of +3 in the reactant and Au on the right side has an oxidation state of 0 in the product.
- The oxidation state of Au decreases from +3 to 0, indicating Au^3+ has been reduced.
- Therefore, the reactant that has been oxidized is Na.

3. Which reactant has been reduced in the equation: Au^3+ (aq) + 3Na(s) ---> 3Na^+(aq) + Au(s)?
- Au^3+ has an oxidation state of +3 in the reactant and Au on the right side has an oxidation state of 0 in the product.
- The oxidation state of Au decreases from +3 to 0, indicating Au^3+ has been reduced.

4. What is the reducing agent in the equation: Au^3+ (aq) + 3Na(s) ---> 3Na^+(aq) + Au(s)?
- The reducing agent is the species that is oxidized (loses electrons).
- In this reaction, Na is oxidized from an oxidation state of 0 to +1 in Na^+ (aq).
- Hence, Na is the reducing agent.

5. What is the oxidizing agent in the equation: Au^3+ (aq) + 3Na(s) ---> 3Na^+(aq) + Au(s)?
- The oxidizing agent is the species that is reduced (gains electrons).
- In this reaction, Au^3+ is reduced from an oxidation state of +3 to 0 in Au(s).
- Consequently, Au^3+ is the oxidizing agent.

Remember, oxidation involves an increase in the oxidation state, while reduction involves a decrease in the oxidation state. Oxidation and reduction always occur together in redox reactions.