Describe a scenario that can be modeled with an inequality.

I shall never leave home without at least ten dollars in my pocket.

One scenario that can be modeled with an inequality is determining the maximum weight a suspension bridge can handle. Let's consider a suspension bridge that has a maximum safe weight limit. We can use an inequality to model this scenario.

Let's say the maximum weight limit of the suspension bridge is 10,000 kilograms. To model this with an inequality, we can use the variable "w" to represent the weight of the load on the bridge. The inequality would be:

w ≤ 10,000

The symbol "≤" represents "less than or equal to," indicating that the weight "w" should not exceed 10,000 kilograms.

Now, if we have a specific weight value, let's say 8,500 kilograms, we can substitute this value into the inequality:

8,500 ≤ 10,000

This inequality is true because 8,500 is less than or equal to 10,000. Thus, a load weighing 8,500 kilograms would be safe to cross the bridge.

However, if we have a higher weight value, let's say 12,000 kilograms, we can substitute it into the inequality:

12,000 ≤ 10,000

This inequality is false because 12,000 is not less than or equal to 10,000. Thus, a load weighing 12,000 kilograms would exceed the safe weight limit and should not be allowed to cross the bridge.

By using an inequality, we can represent and determine the weight limits of the suspension bridge, ensuring safety and avoiding overloading.