how do i find the equivalent decimal for 2 3/4

Type 2 + (3/4) into your calculator

the way to write the decimal for 2 is simply 2.00. The decimal equivanlant for 3/4 is .75 add them together and you get 2.75

to find the decimal equivalant for any fraction think of it as a division problem, hence 3 divided by four = .75

To find the equivalent decimal for a mixed number like 2 3/4, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (3). This gives you (2*4 + 3) / 4 = 11/4.

Step 2: Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the decimal.
Divide the numerator (11) by the denominator (4): 11 รท 4 = 2.75.

Therefore, the equivalent decimal for 2 3/4 is 2.75.