Select the correctly punctuated, spaced, and capitalized format in a medical report.

A) REASON FOR CONSULTATION: repeated pregnancy loss
B) REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Repeated pregnancy loss
C) REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Repeated Pregnancy Loss

My answer is B not sure due to A also being potentially right to but the capitalization throws me off

I'd go with A -- there's no good reason for any capitals after the colon.

When it comes to capitalization, spacing, and punctuation in a medical report, it is important to follow the guidelines of proper formatting. In this case, we need to select the option that adheres to these rules.

The correct answer is C) REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Repeated Pregnancy Loss.

Here's the explanation:
- Capitalization: In medical reports, it is customary to capitalize the first letter of each major word in the headings or titles. Therefore, "Reason for Consultation" should be capitalized.
- Spacing: It is necessary to have a space after the colon when separating the heading from the content. So, there should be a space after the colon.
- Punctuation: Since this is a heading or title, no punctuation is required at the end.

Option A, "REASON FOR CONSULTATION: repeated pregnancy loss," does not have proper capitalization for the words "Repeated" and "Pregnancy." Additionally, there should be a space after the colon.

Option B, "REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Repeated pregnancy loss," has correct capitalization for the word "Repeated" but not for "Pregnancy." It also lacks spacing after the colon.

Option C meets all the criteria for proper capitalization, spacing, and punctuation. Therefore, the correct answer is C) REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Repeated Pregnancy Loss.