Number this column from least to greatest: ounce, kilogram, ton, metric ton, gram, and decagram.

1. gram.

2. decagram.
3. ounce.
4. kilogram.
5. ton.
6. metric ton.

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To order the items in the column from least to greatest, we need to compare their sizes or weights. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to determine the order:

1. Understand the units: Ounce, kilogram, ton, metric ton, gram, and decagram are all units of weight or mass. It is important to know their relationships to accurately compare them.

2. Convert the units: Start by converting all the units to a common system of measurement. In this case, we will use the metric system. The metric system is based on powers of ten, making it easier to compare units.

3. Determine the conversion factors: To convert between different metric units, we need to know the conversion factors. Here are the conversion factors for the given units:
- 1 kilogram = 1000 grams
- 1 metric ton = 1000 kilograms
- 1 decagram = 10 grams

4. Convert all units to the same base unit: We will convert all the units to grams since it is the base unit in the metric system for weight.

- 1 ounce ≈ 28.35 grams (approximately)
- 1 kilogram = 1000 grams
- 1 ton = 1000 kilograms = 1,000,000 grams
- 1 metric ton = 1000 kilograms = 1,000,000 grams
- 1 gram = 1 gram
- 1 decagram = 10 grams

Now, let's list the units from least to greatest based on their converted values:

1. Ounce (approximately 28.35 grams)
2. Decagram (10 grams)
3. Gram (1 gram)
4. Kilogram (1000 grams)
5. Ton (1,000,000 grams)
6. Metric ton (1,000,000 grams)

Therefore, the column from least to greatest is: Ounce, Decagram, Gram, Kilogram, Ton, Metric ton.