Gabriela traveled by motorcycle at an average speed of 17 miles per hour.

Then, she traveled by car at an average speed of 12 miles per hour.

In total, she traveled 56 miles for 4 hours.

How many miles did Gabriela travel by car? (Round to the nearest mile.)

If she biked for x hours, she drove by car for 4-x hours.

since distance = speed * time, add up the distances:

17x + 12(4-x) = 56
x = 1.6

17*1.6 = 27.2
12*2.4 = 28.8
total: 56 miles.

What junker of a car travels 12 mph?

That must have been a mopad or something because what kind of motorcycle goes that slow?

To find out how many miles Gabriela traveled by car, we need to first determine the distance she traveled by motorcycle, and then subtract that from the total distance.

We know that Gabriela traveled at an average speed of 17 miles per hour on her motorcycle. So, in order to find the distance she traveled on her motorcycle, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

In this case, we'll assume that Gabriela spent a certain amount of time, 't', traveling on her motorcycle. So, the distance she traveled by motorcycle can be calculated as:

Distance(motorcycle) = Speed(motorcycle) × Time(motorcycle)

Given that Gabriela spent a total of 4 hours traveling and the distance traveled on her motorcycle was 56 - x (where x is the distance traveled by car), the time she spent traveling on her motorcycle is:

Time(motorcycle) = Total time - Time(car) = 4 - Time(car)

Distance(motorcycle) = Speed(motorcycle) × Time(motorcycle)
Distance(motorcycle) = 17 × (4 - Time(car))

Now, we can calculate the distance traveled by car by subtracting the distance traveled by motorcycle from the total distance:

Distance(car) = Total distance - Distance(motorcycle)
x = 56 - 17 × (4 - Time(car))

We need to find the value of Time(car) that gives us the distance traveled by car. We can create an equation to solve for Time(car):

x = 56 - 17 × (4 - Time(car))

To determine the value of Time(car), we can substitute the given values into the equation and solve for Time(car).