For this option, first ask the user how many items there will be. ("How many

items will there be?") Then, accept a name, a price, a name, a price, etc. until you have enough name-price pairs. You should then format the receipt so that each item shows up on a separate line, with the name left-aligned, spacing filled with periods, all the way to the prices, which should all show up in the format $X.XX (using more columns to the left if necessary).
• The entire width of the receipt must be exactly 30 characters wide. We won't test any inputs where
that's impossible, but you will have to figure out the spacing to make it happen.
• Accept floats as the prices. If the user types in 3.3456, then the price should post as $3.35 (exactly
how the format method behaves… hint hint).
• Include a "Total" line with the correct price, also aligned to the same 30 character width.
• Notice how in the example below, the price on one line and the name on another line might overlap.
• If any rows are exact duplicates – same name, same price - combine them by
adding a (x2) in front of the price. This line must show up exactly where the first item would have been.

To solve this problem, you can follow the steps below:

1. Ask the user how many items there will be. Keep this value for later use.

2. Initialize an empty list to store the name-price pairs.

3. Use a loop to prompt the user for a name and price, alternating until you have enough name-price pairs.

4. Append each name-price pair as a tuple to the list.

5. Sort the list by name to group duplicate items together.

6. Initialize a variable `total` to keep track of the total price.

7. Start building the receipt string by iterating over the list of name-price pairs:

a. Check if the current name-price pair matches the previous one. If it does, increment a counter variable `count`.

b. If the current name-price pair is different from the previous one, add the previous line to the receipt string:

- If the `count` is greater than 1, format the line as "(x{count}) {name}...${price:.2f}".

- If the `count` is 1, format the line as "{name}...${price:.2f}".

c. Update the `total` by adding the current price multiplied by the `count`.

d. Reset the `count` to 1 since the current name-price pair becomes the new previous one.

8. Add the last line to the receipt string with the total price in the format "Total...${total:.2f}".

9. Print the receipt string.

By following these steps, you should be able to generate the formatted receipt as described in the question.