Can you check my answers please?

!. What two continents have no deserts? Europe and Antarctica
2. Is the North Pole on land or water? on land
3. Are you closer to the equator in the northern or southern part of Argentina? Northern Argentina
4. What line of longitude passes through the state of Louisiana? 90 degree W longitude
5. What province in Canada is farthest west? Yukon Province

Sure, I can check your answers!

1. What two continents have no deserts?
Your answer: Europe and Antarctica
Correct! Europe and Antarctica are the two continents that do not have any deserts.

2. Is the North Pole on land or water?
Your answer: on land
Unfortunately, this answer is incorrect. The North Pole is actually located in the Arctic Ocean, which means it is on water. There is no landmass at the exact location of the North Pole.

3. Are you closer to the equator in the northern or southern part of Argentina?
Your answer: Northern Argentina
Good job! You are correct. The equator is located closer to the northern part of Argentina.

4. What line of longitude passes through the state of Louisiana?
Your answer: 90 degrees W longitude
Excellent! You got it right! The line of longitude that passes through the state of Louisiana is approximately the 90 degrees West longitude.

5. What province in Canada is farthest west?
Your answer: Yukon Province
Sorry, but this answer is incorrect. The province in Canada that is farthest west is actually British Columbia, not Yukon Province.

Overall, you did a good job, but there were a couple of answers that were incorrect. Keep up the good work and remember to double-check your answers if you're not sure.

1. Right -- although Antarctica gets very little precipitation and would be a desert if it weren't so cold there.

2. No.

The others are right.