You took a train trip to visit your cousin. By 10:15 the train had traveled 20 mi. By 10:30 the train had traveled an additional 10 mi. You are now halfway to your cousin’s town. At what time will you reach your cousin’s town if the train’s speed is constant?

in 15 minutes, this train travels 10 mi, then the train starts at 9:45. It takes 45 minutes to be halfway. So it will takes another 45 minutes from 10:30. So the answer is 11:15

To find out the time at which you will reach your cousin's town, we can use the information given. Let's break down the information step by step:

1. By 10:15, the train had traveled 20 miles.
2. By 10:30, the train had traveled an additional 10 miles.

From this information, we know that the train traveled a total of 20 + 10 = 30 miles by 10:30. Since you are halfway to your cousin's town at this point, it means the total distance between your starting point and your cousin's town is 30 * 2 = 60 miles.

To calculate the time it takes to cover a certain distance at a constant speed, we need to know the speed of the train. Unfortunately, this information is not provided in the given question. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact time at which you will reach your cousin's town without knowing the speed of the train.

If we had the speed of the train, we could divide the total distance by the speed to find the time it takes to cover the distance. For example, if the speed of the train is 30 miles per hour, then it would take 60 miles / 30 miles per hour = 2 hours to reach your cousin's town.

Please provide the speed of the train so that I can calculate the exact time for you.