Air is being pumped into a spherical balloon so that its volume increases at a rate of 80 cm^3 per second. How fast is the surface area of the balloon increasing when its radius is 9cm?

* ball of radius r has volume V=(4/3)pi r^3 and surface area S=4pir^2

** I try to do it twice and my answer is 72pi(80/324pi) which is wrong

dV/dt = 4πr^2 dr/dt

80 = 4π(81) dr/dt
dr/dt = 20/(81π)

SA = 4πr^2
dSA/dt = 8πr dr/dt
= 8π(9)(20/(81π))
= 16/9

To find the rate of change of the surface area of the balloon, you can use the given formulas for the volume and surface area of a sphere:

Volume of sphere (V) = (4/3)πr^3
Surface area of sphere (S) = 4πr^2

First, let's find the relationship between the volume and the radius by differentiating the volume equation with respect to time:

dV/dt = d((4/3)πr^3)/dt

Using the power rule of differentiation, the equation becomes:

dV/dt = (4/3)π * 3r^2 * (dr/dt)

Given that dV/dt = 80 cm^3/s, we can substitute this value into the equation and solve for dr/dt:

80 = (4/3)π * 3(9^2) * (dr/dt)
80 = 36π * (dr/dt)
dr/dt = 80 / (36π)
dr/dt ≈ 0.707 cm/s

Now, let's find the rate of change of the surface area of the balloon by differentiating the surface area equation with respect to the radius:

dS/dr = d(4πr^2)/dr

Using the power rule again, the equation becomes:

dS/dr = 4π * 2r

Substituting the radius value of 9 cm, we get:

dS/dr = 4π * 2(9)
dS/dr = 72π

Therefore, the rate of change of the surface area of the balloon when its radius is 9 cm is 72π cm^2.