Distance between two 3-D points. Given two points in space (3-dimensional), find the distance between them. The user will input the coordinates (x,y,z) of the two points and your program will calculate and display the distance between the points.

none of this is right ima go to brainly

To calculate the distance between two 3D points, we can use the Euclidean distance formula. This formula is derived from the Pythagorean theorem and extends it to three dimensions.

The formula for calculating the distance between two 3D points P(X1, Y1, Z1) and Q(X2, Y2, Z2) is as follows:

distance = √((X2 - X1)^2 + (Y2 - Y1)^2 + (Z2 - Z1)^2)

Here's how you can implement this logic in your program:

1. Prompt the user to enter the coordinates of the first point (X1, Y1, and Z1).
2. Prompt the user to enter the coordinates of the second point (X2, Y2, and Z2).
3. Calculate the differences in coordinates for each dimension: (X2 - X1), (Y2 - Y1), and (Z2 - Z1).
4. Square each difference.
5. Sum up the squared differences.
6. Take the square root of the sum to get the final distance.
7. Display the distance to the user.

Here's a sample Python program implementing the above steps:

import math

# Step 1: Prompt user for coordinates of the first point
x1 = float(input("Enter the x-coordinate of the first point: "))
y1 = float(input("Enter the y-coordinate of the first point: "))
z1 = float(input("Enter the z-coordinate of the first point: "))

# Step 2: Prompt user for coordinates of the second point
x2 = float(input("Enter the x-coordinate of the second point: "))
y2 = float(input("Enter the y-coordinate of the second point: "))
z2 = float(input("Enter the z-coordinate of the second point: "))

# Step 3: Calculate the differences in coordinates
diff_x = x2 - x1
diff_y = y2 - y1
diff_z = z2 - z1

# Step 4: Square each difference
squared_diff_x = diff_x ** 2
squared_diff_y = diff_y ** 2
squared_diff_z = diff_z ** 2

# Step 5: Sum up the squared differences
sum_squared_diff = squared_diff_x + squared_diff_y + squared_diff_z

# Step 6: Take the square root of the sum
distance = math.sqrt(sum_squared_diff)

# Step 7: Display the distance
print("The distance between the two points is:", round(distance, 2))

This program prompts the user to input the coordinates of the two 3D points and then calculates and displays the distance between them.

Pick one of the Responses Which of the following points has a distance of 3 from the point (−7, 4) ?(1 point)


(−10, 4)
Left Parenthesis negative 10 comma 4 Right Parenthesis

(10, 4)
Left Parenthesis 10 comma 4 Right Parenthesis

(−7, −1)
Left Parenthesis negative 7 comma negative 1 Right Parenthesis

(4, 4)