can someone please check this for me. Be sure to round to the nearest hundred.

1) 6 eggs in 7 days
2) 8 batteries in 3 months
3) 122 patients in 4 weeks
4) $8.43 for 3 pounds

Where are the answers you want us to check?

To check the given values and round them to the nearest hundred, follow these steps:

1. 6 eggs in 7 days:
Since there are no units in the result (no "per" or "in"), there is no need to round to the nearest hundred. The answer remains as 6.

2. 8 batteries in 3 months:
To find the number of batteries per month, divide the given value by the number of months:
8 batteries ÷ 3 months = 2.6667 batteries per month
Now, round this to the nearest hundred: 2.6667 ≈ 3 batteries per month.

3. 122 patients in 4 weeks:
To find the number of patients per week, divide the given value by the number of weeks:
122 patients ÷ 4 weeks = 30.5 patients per week
Now, round this to the nearest hundred: 30.5 ≈ 100 patients per week.

4. $8.43 for 3 pounds:
To find the cost per pound, divide the given value by the number of pounds:
$8.43 ÷ 3 pounds = $2.81 per pound
Now, round this to the nearest hundred: $2.81 ≈ $300 per pound.

Therefore, after rounding to the nearest hundred:
1) 6 eggs in 7 days
2) 3 batteries per month
3) 100 patients per week
4) $300 per pound