what does distinguish mean

Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.

Perceive or point out a difference

P.S. There is this magical creation called the dictionary :)

why didn't i think of that

To understand the meaning of "distinguish," we can break it down:

1. Definition: "Distinguish" is a verb that means to recognize or identify as different from something else, often based on specific characteristics, qualities, or features.

2. Understanding the concept: To grasp the concept of distinguishing, it helps to think about how we perceive and differentiate things in our daily lives. We distinguish between objects, people, ideas, or situations by paying attention to their unique qualities or characteristics.

3. How to use it in a sentence: You can use "distinguish" in various contexts. For example, "He could easily distinguish his mother's voice in the crowd" means that he recognized his mother's voice among other voices. Another example is "The colors of the flowers helped to distinguish them from the surrounding grass," which implies that the distinctive colors of the flowers made them stand out and be recognizable in comparison to the grass.

4. Synonyms: Some synonyms for "distinguish" include differentiate, discern, recognize, identify, separate, or discriminate.

Overall, "distinguish" is a term used to describe the process of identifying differences between things and recognizing their unique attributes or characteristics.