For some teens, particularly girls, excessive efforts to control eating may be a

misguided effort to
A. punish parents.
B. manage the stress and physical changes that confront them as they pass
into adolescence.
C. punish themselves.
D. regress back to the oral stage of development.

I think its either A or B. Help!!

Probably it's B.

Yeah that was my first answer but then I read some more about how family influences play a role in eating disorders. It says this Accordingly,a teens eating disorder may be functional in that directs attention away from basic conflicts in the family to the teens more obvious problem.

I still think it's more likely to be B, although A applies in some cases.

I would agree with Ms.Sue it could apply in some cases.

To determine the correct answer between options A and B, we need to consider the given information regarding excessive efforts to control eating among some teens, particularly girls.

Option A suggests that these efforts are aimed at punishing parents. However, there is no direct indication or link given in the information to support that excessive eating control is a form of punishment towards parents. Therefore, option A seems less likely to be the correct answer.

Option B proposes that these efforts to control eating are a misguided attempt to manage the stress and physical changes of adolescence. While this option does not provide specific evidence from the information given, it aligns more closely with the common understanding that adolescence is a time of significant physical and emotional changes that can contribute to stress. Attempting to control eating as a coping mechanism for this stress is a plausible explanation.

Given this analysis, it is reasonable to choose option B, as it is more likely to be the correct answer based on the information provided.