The volume of a cylinder is 330 cm^3 . What are the dimensions of the cylinder (radius and height)?

An infinite number of solutions.

Since V = πr^2 h
330 = πr^2 h
h = 330/(πr^2)

if r=1
h = 330/π

if r = 5
h = 330/(25π) = 66/(5π)

if r = 3.478
h = 330(12.096484π)


To find the dimensions of the cylinder (radius and height), we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder.

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is:
V = πr^2h

Given that the volume of the cylinder is 330 cm^3, we can plug in this value into the formula and solve for the dimensions.

330 = πr^2h

Since we only have one equation with two variables (r and h), we need another piece of information to solve for both variables simultaneously. Without any additional information, we cannot determine the dimensions of the cylinder uniquely.

However, if you have any additional information such as the ratio of the radius to height or any constraints on the dimensions, please let me know and I can provide a more specific answer.