On a scale 1¾ inches represents 50 miles. How many miles are represented by 7 inches? <Please do an example of it>

To solve this problem, we need to establish a proportion using the given scale. A proportion is an equation that states two ratios are equal.

First, let's write down the given scale:
1¾ inches represents 50 miles.

Now, let's set up a proportion using the scale and the unknown value we want to find:
1¾ inches / 50 miles = 7 inches / x miles.

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and then divide:
1¾ * x = 50 * 7
x = (50 * 7) / 1¾

Let's simplify the values in the equation. We can convert the fraction 1¾ into an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (1) by the denominator (4) and adding the numerator (3). This gives us 7/4 inches.

x = (50 * 7) / 7/4
x = (50 * 7) * (4/7)

Now, we can cancel out the common factors:
x = 50 * 4
x = 200

Therefore, 7 inches represents 200 miles.


1.75 inches --- 50 miles

1 inch ----50/1.75 miles
7 inches --- 7(50/1.75) miles = 200 miles

or ... just use a ratio

x/50 = 7/1.75
times 50
x = 50(7)/1.75 = 200

(notice both methods end up with the same arithmetic calculations)