what is venezuela's human development index



To find out Venezuela's Human Development Index (HDI), we can refer to the Human Development Report published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The HDI is a summary measure of a country's progress in three key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge, and a decent standard of living.

Here's how you can get the information:

1. Open a web browser.
2. Go to the official website of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at undp.org.
3. In the search bar of the website, type "Human Development Report" or "HDI."
4. Click on the relevant search result that leads to the Human Development Report page.
5. On the Human Development Report page, look for the latest report available. The reports are usually titled with the year (e.g., "Human Development Report 2020").
6. Click on the report to open it.
7. Within the report, search for the section related to country rankings or country profiles.
8. Look for Venezuela in the country rankings or index tables.
9. Find the specific HDI value assigned to Venezuela in that report.

Please note that the specific HDI value for Venezuela may vary depending on the latest report available. Keep in mind that the HDI values are typically updated annually, so it's important to refer to the most recent report for the most accurate information.