I have to do a research paper & I want my topic to be on Pixar's influences on the world.

My thesis: Pixar is a positive influence on the world.

My supporting evidences -
1) Has helped the animation industry
2) Has helped the film industry
3) Has inspired & help people (mostly children & artists)

My questions are-
1) Is this a good topic for a research paper?
2) How can I make outline about this?

1) Is this a good topic for a research paper?

Yes, this is a good topic for a research paper. Pixar is a widely recognized animation studio that has made a significant impact on the world of film, animation, and pop culture. Their influence can be seen through their pioneering technological advancements, storytelling techniques, and their ability to inspire and connect with audiences across generations. Exploring the positive impact Pixar has had on these industries and people's lives will provide a rich and interesting research opportunity.

2) How can I make an outline about this?
Creating an outline for your research paper will help you organize your thoughts and arguments. Here is a suggested outline for your research paper on Pixar's influences on the world:

I. Introduction
A. Introduce Pixar as a prominent animation studio with a global influence
B. Present your thesis statement – "Pixar is a positive influence on the world"

II. Pixar's influence on the animation industry
A. Discuss Pixar's technological innovations and advancements in computer animation
B. Explore how Pixar's success has led to increased production and growth within the animation industry
C. Analyze the impact of Pixar's storytelling techniques, character development, and visual storytelling on the animation industry

III. Pixar's influence on the film industry
A. Examine Pixar's box office success and its impact on the film industry's approach to animated films
B. Discuss how Pixar's success paved the way for other animation studios to break into the mainstream
C. Explore the influence of Pixar's storytelling and narrative techniques on live-action films

IV. Pixar's influence on people
A. Examine how Pixar films have inspired and connected with audiences
B. Discuss the impact of Pixar films on children's imagination, creativity, and emotional development
C. Analyze the influence of Pixar films on aspiring artists and filmmakers

V. Counterarguments and rebuttals
A. Identify potential counterarguments against your thesis statement
B. Refute those counterarguments with evidence and logical reasoning

VI. Conclusion
A. Summarize the main points and arguments presented in the paper
B. Reinforce your thesis statement and highlight Pixar's positive influence on the world

Remember, this is just a template for your outline. Feel free to rearrange or add subtopics as needed to fit your research and arguments. Additionally, make sure to conduct thorough research to gather evidence and examples to support each point in your outline.