The drawing shows two boxes resting on frictionless ramps. One box is relatively light and sits on a steep ramp. The other box is heavier and rests on a ramp that is less steep. The boxes are released from rest at A and allowed to slide down the ramps. The two boxes have masse

In order to analyze the situation, I would need the rest of the question or the information given in the diagram. Please provide more details or describe the diagram so that I can assist you step-by-step.

To determine which box will reach the bottom of the ramp first, we need to consider the factors affecting their motion. In this case, the steepness of the ramps and the masses of the boxes are key factors.

The acceleration of an object sliding down a ramp is directly influenced by the angle of the ramp. A steeper ramp will result in a greater acceleration.

The force causing the acceleration of an object down the ramp is the component of the object's weight that is parallel to the ramp's surface. This force is given by the equation F = mgsinθ, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of the ramp.

Since the box on the steeper ramp has a larger angle θ, its acceleration will be greater compared to the box on the less steep ramp. Therefore, the lighter box on the steeper ramp will reach the bottom first.

To analyze this further, you can compare the accelerations of the two boxes using the equation above. By calculating the acceleration for each box and comparing their magnitudes, you can determine which box will reach the bottom of the ramp first.