What are some websites that gives facts about Weed Killer? How do I start an investigation report about this subject? Please help ... anyone?

Here's a good place to start.


Thank you so much Ms. Sue! I really needed this! :)

You're very welcome, Losa.

To find websites that provide facts about weed killer, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on a popular search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

2. In the search bar, type in relevant keywords such as "weed killer facts," "weed killer information," or "weed killer research."

3. Browse through the search results and look for websites that are reliable and reputable. These can include official government agencies, scientific journals, universities, or agricultural extension services.

4. Evaluate the credibility and trustworthiness of the websites by considering factors such as the author's expertise, the source's reputation, and the currency of the information.

Here are a few websites that provide information about weed killers:

1. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - The EPA website offers detailed information on various pesticides, including weed killers. Check their pesticide database for specific product information, health effects, and regulatory details: https://www.epa.gov/pesticides

2. National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) - NPIC provides objective, science-based information about pesticides, including weed killers. They offer fact sheets, research articles, and contact information for experts who can answer specific questions: https://www.npic.orst.edu/

3. University Extension Services - Many universities provide online resources about agriculture and gardening. Search for the extension service of your state's land-grant university to access information about weed killers tailored to your region.

Now, if you want to start an investigation report about weed killers, you can adopt the following steps:

1. Define the problem or objective: Determine what specific aspect of weed killers you want to investigate. Are you interested in their effects on the environment, human health, or plant diversity? Narrow down your focus to make your investigation more manageable.

2. Research existing knowledge: Before conducting your investigation, gather information from reliable sources like scientific journals, governmental reports, and scholarly articles related to weed killers. This knowledge will provide a foundation for your research and help you identify any knowledge gaps.

3. Develop a research plan: Determine the methodology and approach you will use to gather data. This can include conducting experiments, surveys, interviews, or literature reviews. Decide on the sample size, research questions, and data collection methods for your investigation.

4. Collect and analyze data: Based on your research plan, start collecting data that is relevant to your investigation. Ensure you maintain accuracy and objectivity throughout the data collection process. Once you've gathered the data, use appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques to interpret the results.

5. Draw conclusions and present findings: Analyze your data, identify patterns, and draw conclusions based on the evidence collected. Present your findings in a clear and organized manner, using visuals like graphs, tables, or charts to enhance understanding.

Remember to follow ethical guidelines, properly cite your sources, and present your investigation report in a structured and comprehensive manner.

Best of luck with your investigation!