7. The French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu believed that the power of a government __________.

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding who Baron de Montesquieu was and what his views were on the power of a government.

Baron de Montesquieu was an influential Enlightenment thinker from France who lived during the 18th century. He was known for his work "The Spirit of the Laws," where he discussed political theory and argued for the separation of powers in government.

According to Montesquieu, the power of a government should be divided into different branches or institutions, such as the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. He believed that this separation of powers was essential to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and potentially tyrannical. This principle of separation of powers was aimed at establishing checks and balances within a government.

Montesquieu's views influenced the formation of modern democratic systems where the different branches of government have distinct roles and powers. The separation of powers ensures that no single individual or group can accumulate excessive power, protecting the rights and freedoms of the citizens.

Therefore, based on Montesquieu's ideas, the power of a government should be divided or separated to prevent tyranny and promote the well-being of the people.
