Mr. Jacob is 55 years old and Tony is 7 years old. In how many years will Mr. Jacob be 4 times as old as Tony? Please help me solve this.

real easy with algebra ....

55+x = 4(7+x)
55+ x = 28 + 4x
27 = 3x
x = 9

but grade 5 ????

make two colums of their ages, going up one at a time, until the first is 4 times the second
55 7
56 8
57 9
58 10
59 11
60 12
61 13
62 14
63 15
64 16 ---- ah, 64 = 4(16) ---> 55+9 = 4(7+9)

I am a parent,my son is in g-5. i do try to help in homework. i do no have a tuturor.the answer is right

where did you get the 3x from in order for it to be in the equation

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume that it will take "x" years for Mr. Jacob to be 4 times as old as Tony.

After "x" years, Mr. Jacob's age will be (55 + x) and Tony's age will be (7 + x).

According to the problem statement, Mr. Jacob will be 4 times as old as Tony, so we can write the equation:

55 + x = 4(7 + x)

Now, let's solve the equation step by step:

55 + x = 4(7 + x)
55 + x = 28 + 4x (distributing 4 to both terms)
x - 4x = 28 - 55 (subtracting x from both sides and subtracting 28 from both sides)
-3x = -27 (combining like terms)
x = -27 / -3 (dividing both sides by -3)
x = 9

Therefore, it will take 9 years for Mr. Jacob to be 4 times as old as Tony.

I'm I pretty smart student and the answer is correct.

55+x = 4 (7+x)
55+ x = 28 + 4x
27 = 3x
x = 9

And if your grade 5
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Make two columns

Mr. Jacob Tony 9 more years tony will be
55 7 16
56 8
57 9
58 10 Mr. Jacob will be 64
59 11
60 12
61 13
62 14
63 15
64 16βž–βž–βž– 64=4(16) 55+9 (7+9)